I changed the setting and the 3D model of Ara: the setting is now no longer that area defined by wooden fences, but now it is Ara’s house, while the model is still Ara, but it is simply that of the last Build. Speaking of the remastered: the main goal I have is the porting on Quest/Quest 2, but there will also be the SteamVR version (which will come a little later). The remastered is NOT over yet, there are still several things to do, but I have a little alpha ready for the owners of Quest and Quest 2. As I expected I had to start redoing all the scripts from scratch (what better time to improve in programming?). So, to start getting familiar with Unity (which I’m going to use for personal projects) I started working on a remastered that makes it possible to use that build even with the latest technologies.
Ara Scene VR REMASTERED Hi everyone, as some may know, that build doesn’t work with the latest headsets.